SIUE Chemistry Club
October 3, 2008

Officers Present:
Dylan Downs, President
Lily Kyrouac, Vice President
Megan Muehlenfeld, Secretary

Professors Present:
Dr. DeMeo
1. Voter registration
a. Kimmel gave us forms for voter registration. The forms have to be to the court house by the 7th.
2. Orgsync
a. It is similar to yahoo groups and is mandatory by Kimmel by this spring.
b. All clubs have to have it.
c. It is a website that has links to all clubs. It will have our meeting minutes, forms, etc.
d. We will give you more information once it is up and running
3. Book/Bake Sale
a. Oct 13th - 16th.
b. We need volunteers to sit at tables and sell books and baked goods. This counts as an event! You can also
bring baked goods for an event (email Dylan at if you plan on baking).

4. Go Green!
a. We are using the profits from the book/bake sale to buy a tree to plant on campus and name it Chemis-tree.
5. Tours
a. Volunteers are currently getting in contact with the companies and we will let you know when there is more
6. Liability forms
a. Liability forms are now mandatory for all members.
7. CVS
a. Last training was held Oct 3, 2008.
b. Lily is currently putting together the groups and contacting the schools. She will let you know when and where
you will be going as soon as she can.

8. ACS
a. Going to be presenting our poster in Utah this year. This is when we get judged how we are doing as a club.
We must do this in order to be a club registered in ACS.
b. Mariellen is going to help make the poster, but we also need volunteers.
c. Chemvention - gives money to go to ACS. We must prepare a project in order to be eligible for this money.
d. The abstract for the ACS poster is due the October 20th.

9. Bob Gates
a. He is a 1983 graduate who started official Chemistry Club in 1982. He now works at Sigma Aldrich.
b. He contacted us about putting together a brochure for the chemistry department.

10. National Chemistry Week
a. Need volunteers to go to the Science Center to help with National Chemistry Week.
b. If you are interested, email Dr. Wiediger at

11. New meeting times
a. There will be meetings on Tuesdays at 3:30 for sure.
b. We may still have meetings on Fridays at 2 or 3.
c. We will let you know the definite schedule at the next meeting.
d. Next is Tuesday October 14th at 3:30, in the chem club room.

12. Probst lecture
a. March of 2009.
b. Dylan is in contact with Dr. Wei about any volunteers interested in helping.

13. Discovering the Gardens
a. October 26th , 1-4pm
14. Meeting Adjourned
a. 2:24 pm