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After the Race

    First thing after you cross the finish line, if it’s cold, you will want to hose off and get into dry clothes as soon as possible. Take this from my personal experience! Even if it’s not cold, you will want to get into dry, clean clothes quickly so you can be comfortable and enjoy the post-race festivities.

    After the race, you should definitely rehydrate because you’ve likely lost a lot of water and sodium through sweat during the race. There is usually food and refreshments after the race, merchandise booths, first aid stations, and maybe even music. There will be an award ceremony for the top finishers and then people will usually hang out for a while and enjoy the day and watch as the rest of the racers finish. Since these races often have staggered start times and send groups of racers in waves, there will be racers both starting and finishing throughout the day, although the competitive waves usually are the first to start in the morning.

racers crawling under barbed wire                more racers crawling under barbed wire

Above photos from left to right: Racers low crawling through mud under barbed wire at both a Tough Mudder and a Spartan Race, respectively.

    In the days and weeks immediately following your race, you will want to continue to hydrate and rest so that your body can recover from the race. As mentioned above in the training portion, the general rule is to take a day off of training for each mile run. You can either take these days completely off and simply stretch to help speed recovery, or you can also do low intensity cross-training such as easy swimming, easy walking, yoga, or something similar that will allow to you recover but still move your body.

    After the event, you may now be addicted to this type of racing, and ready to sign up for another event, or you may be glad for the experience but vow to never go off-road again. Either way, I hope that you enjoyed yourself during your race and have at least a few good memories that you’ll take with you, and maybe a few great pictures to go with them! Choosing which type or types of races you like to do is like choosing what flavor ice cream you like. There is no right answer, so whether you like these races or hate them, at least now you know one way or the other and can move forward from here.

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