Max Weber

Remember that Weber was writing in the early 20th century, before the world was deeply embedded in bureaucracy.  His contribution to understanding bureaucracy are tremendous.  Further, he saw both the strengths and weaknesses of bureaucracy.  Prior to this organizational development, nepotism was endemic.  Jobs were given based on you class position not knowledge. 

Weber argues that bureaucracies have six characteristics:

These are I-VI.

 So, bureaucracies can be advantageous because in the “ideal type” positions are supposed to be based on knowledge, expertise, fairness (rules are applied to everyone), etc.

Yet, in the second half of the essay, Weber acknowledges that bureaucracies are not “ideal types.”   People get positions based on party affiliation, class position, status.  Sometimes the tenure of a position can lead to these individuals slacking.

Frederick Taylor

He claims high wages and detailed control of each activity will help prevent soldiering and increase productivity.  What is his assumption of human nature?   How will high wages and control help?

Elton Mayo

What conclusion does Mayo make about the experiments at Western Electric?