Capital, Labor and New Technology by Steven Vallas

1) What industry does Vallas write about?

2) What new technology was introduced into the industry?

3) How did the new technology affect the social relations of production?

4) Did new technology de-skill or re-skill workers?

5) How were gender relations affected by the new technology?

6) How were the switching crafts affected by new technology?

7) What’s the relationship between technology, work and alienation?
Labor and Management in Uncertain Times by Ruth Milkman

1) What industry does Milkman write about?

2) What is Fordism?

3) Prior to the 1970's, the unions had most control over which aspect of their jobs?

4) Prior to the 1970's which jobs were most alienating to workers?

5) What happened in the 1970's that changed the industry?

6) What new technology was introduced which changed the workplace?

7) What do Zuboff and Hirschhorn theorize about how this technology will affect workers?

8) How were skilled workers affected by the new technology?   How were unskilled workers affected?

9) Milkman argues that even with Japanese style “rotating jobs” did not change the nature of the job.  What does she mean?

10) Milkman argues that purpose of the new technology was to do what?

11) What critique does Milkman make of QWL programs?

12) What was wrong with the “New Linden?”  Who was most likely to resist the “new Linden?”

13) Why does the author argue that “trust” is what made the NUMMI plant successful?