Reading 12: Gender Stereotyping in the English Language

1) "And different words for the same subject show that there is a range of attitudes and feelings in the society toward that subject."  112

2) "First, in therms of grammatical and semantic sturcutre, women do not have a fully autonomous, independent existence; they are part of man."  112

  "However, there is some questions as to whether the theory that man menas everybody is carried out in practice."  112.

3) "Second, in actual practice, our prnoun usage perpetuates different personality attributes and career aspirations for men and women."  113

4) Third, linguistic practice defines females as immature, incompetent, and incapable and males as mature, complete and competent."  113

5) Fourth, in practice women are defined in terms of their sexual desirability (to men); men are defined in terms of their sexual prowess (over women). 114

6) Fifth, women are defined in terms of their relations to men; men are defined in terms of their relations to the world at large.  114

7) Sixth, a historical pattern can be seen in the meanings that come to be attached to words that originally were neutral. 115

8) Women are thought to be a part of man, nonautonomous, dependent, relegated to roles that require few skills, charaterstically incompetent and immature, sexual objects, best defined in terms of their relation to men.  115